Never Ending Weekend...

Every other weekend or so Sweet Hubby, Sweet Baby & I pack up our suitcase and head out to my sister-in-laws farm. I absolutely love going to our "second home" as I would call it. They have 3 horses, 2 pony's, 3 dogs, & 3 cats! Lets just say that there is never a dull moment. Well, this weekend, Sweet Hubby's mom was in town. Sweet Baby got to see both her grandma's within 2 weeks.

Then I had the most interesting dentist appointment ever. Sweet Baby always sits on a small little stool in the shape of a tooth. Now, normally she would sit nice and still while playing with a toy, but when I think back to the last time I was at the dentist Sweet Baby wasn't even 2. So this time she was getting agitated and upset that she couldn't get my attention. She played shy with everyone that tried to calm her down while I was getting my teeth polished & flossed. It came to the point that she finally had real tears were rolling down her cheeks and screaming my name. Next thing I knew Sweet Baby was laying on me while I was getting my teeth polished! If Sweet Hubby hadn't walked in she would have fallen asleep right there in the dental chair. Then there was the NEW truck shopping! So lets just say we couldn't wait to get back to the farm to relax.

Once we were back at the farm, it was time to relax, and relax is what we did!

Then on Saturday we had a Horse Show that my sister-in-law competed in and won 1st & 2nd!! YAY!!

Here are some pictures of our very eventful weekend!

Sweet Baby & her cousins running right into me {literally}

Posing in the arena!

My sister-in-law on her Beautiful Stud Nics {Came 1st in Reining}

My little cowgirl!!!